Would you like to experience bio energetic feedback or brain wave balance? Gina Fraundorfer, Wellness Coach uses integrated healing modalities to assist clients with their health. She is driven by...
Are you a working woman in mid-life who is ready to break free from burnout? Are you ready to reclaim your joy, focus and zest for life? Maree Piplovick, Conscious Breathing Coach supports...
Are you searching for inner peace? Radavie Riom, Spirit Based Indigenous Healer assists clients to find inner peace. For thirty years she has supported clients to find peace. Her specialty is...
Are you experiencing autoimmune health issues? Michele Schroeder, Certified Autoimmune Disease Specialist coaches clients suffering from the mysterious and often debilitating effects of autoimmune...
Are you ready to understand the power of your mind? Adrian Treacy, Mindset Coach and Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI) Consultant assist clients to understand the power of the mind and how it...
Are your emotions running your life? Would you like to explore how these emotions can be released for better health – physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually? Permelia Parham,...
Are you searching for strategies for a healthier and happier life? Would you like relief from past negative experiences? Mindy Kollman, a Registered Clinical Counsellor works in collaboration...
Are you a parent searching for answers? Could you benefit from family coaching or life coaching? Paula Milbradt, Parent/Education Consultant has served children, families, and communities for...
Are you ready to dive DEEP into a healthier, happier life full of love and emotional stability? Are you prepared for financial abundance? Renata Russeva, a DEEP Psychotherapist assists clients to...
Michael Bradford, an International Intuitive Energy Healer, Business Coach, Spiritual Teacher and Best-Selling Author, has extensive expertise in the areas of Health, Healing, Personal Excellence,...